
Raspi is a library of light-weight services for programming Raspberry Pi’s.

The goal of the Raspi platform is to create an extensable, scalable, hardware automation platform capable of realtime evaluation of it’s state. The platform should be runnable on a single Raspberry Pi with exceptable performance, and scalable to a multiple Pi scenario sharing co-state and ‘work-together’ task orientation.

Some early design considerations


Currently contains:

task_engine:        Based on ZMQ, the primary orchestrator for handling both REQ => REP for
                    task automation, and PUB => SUB for sensor data retrieval.

In progress:

data_collector:     Micro daemon collective for streaming sensor data to task_engine 

data_store:         Light-weight storage system for state samples and subscriber for 
                    task_engine publishers.

hive_link:          Interlink service to share state and operations between task_engines.

task_operator:      Requestor for task execution, and interface for AI or remote-ops to
                    request task execution. Most likely based on Flask.

ai:                 High-level controller of sub_routines, such as pathfinding, and servo 
                    feedback control. Primary client for task_operator.

tasks:              Library of registered tasks, or system capabilities.

touch_ui:           Interface for 7-inch touch-screen. Most likely based on TK.

monitoring:         Data-visualization page for observing application.


                                                    | ________ analysis
                                                    | ________ motor_drive
                                               tasks (code_modules)
                                                    | ________ data_store
                ai _____> task_operator _____> task_engine [a] <_____ data_collector [Sensors]
                               /|                  ||   
                              / |                  ||
                             /  |              hive_link
                            /   |                  ||
                           /    |                  ||
                          /     |              task_engine [b, ...]
touch_screen ______> touch_ui   |
            browser ______> monitoring

Non-Core Libraries


Interaction Specification v0.1

Service Port Notes
task_engine: workers random-port task_engine will assign a random port to workers since they register directly to the routers DEALER
router: frontend 9000  
router: backend 9001  

More to follow…